Defense Health Research Consortium to Congress: Enact the FY23 Defense Appropriations Bill

The Defense Health Research Consortium and dozens of its affiliated members today sent a letter to House and Senate leadership, calling on them to “work toward the enactment of the fiscal year 2023 Defense Appropriations Act, to ensure full funding levels for the Defense Health Research Programs, including the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).”
The letter, signed by 121 patient advocacy organizations, health and medical associations, veterans organizations and colleges and universities, warns of the consequences of enacting further continuing resolutions in lieu of a fully-funded Defense Appropriations Act. According to the letter, “Failure to enact the Defense Appropriations Act this year will have major negative health implications for the millions of Americans – especially veterans, military service members and their families – who live with chronic and debilitating disorders. Further delay will impede important new discoveries and translation of medical innovation into new treatments and cures for many disorders.”
The Defense Health Research Consortium was founded by CRD Associates to bring a diverse community together to advocate for the CDMRP, a $1.5 billion medical research program designed to meet the unique health and medical challenges of the men and women in the U.S. Armed Services. Funding for the CDMRP is added every year by Congress to the annual Defense Appropriations Act, and this funding has faced threats and similar challenges in previous years